Oh hi there! Come to see some of my work?

Management Graduate who loves to write. Starting my career as Marketing Staff and now I'm helping some brands by making some captions & headlines banner in Start up Tech Company. 

Scroll down to see blood, sweat and tears!

Masih Terlalu Peduli pada Perkataan Orang? Intip 4 Tips Ini Yuk!

Nah sebaliknya nih, kalau opini atau masukkan orang tersebut bisa berdampak negatif, seperti menimbulkan kecemasan yang bisa menggoyahkan pendirian dan keinginan kamu. Coba deh, buat tarik napas dalam-dalam dan bilang “Ini hidupmu and don’t let others define who you are”.

Yuk coba perlahan praktekin tips-tips di atas. Dan selalu ingat ya kalau “This is your life and you are in charge of your own happiness”.

Social Media Highlight

I've got something exciting to share! As part of SIRCLO's awesome Employer Branding on Instagram, I'm talking about "Reducing Overthinking & Anxiety through Reading Books." 

It's been an amazing journey! I get to share some fantastic reads that have helped me find inner peace and manage anxiety better. To me, books are my therapy. 

I hope this post can resonate with you too and inspire you to explore the calming power of reading. Let's conquer overthinking together and discover serenity within those pages! 📚💫

Social Media Highlight

I'm participating in an awesome event on Glints' Instagram, where we're talking all about "How to Make SEO Friendly Content." 

It's been a blast! We're getting to share some cool tips and tricks on optimizing content for better search engine rankings.

SEO can be a game-changer, and I hope this is can help others improve their online visibility. 

Let's dive into the world of SEO and boost our digital presence together!

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